
May 31, 2012

LINK TO: RUN by Jern Siong (for the Give ‘em Hope Campaign)

This is one man’s story of struggle, loss, and gain of purpose; The link will take you to the incredible story at the NEVER BLEND IN Blog by David Watters, Activist, Author, Public Speaker and all around incredible human being…

Please check out this Story, “RUN” by Jern Siong for the “GIVE ‘EM HOPE”  Campaign.

RUN by Jern Siong (for the Give ‘em Hope Campaign).

May 18, 2012


Filed under: Self-Esteem,Tolerance — by Peacemaker1955 @ 4:52 PM

Hello Dear Friends! I hope that you are having a wonderful day…I woke up this Friday morning and I wasn’t sure that it would be.  You know that feeling, when it seems like one thing after another goes “wrong” and you start to wonder if someone put a curse on you? Personally I don’t believe in curses, but I sure do believe that some days can make you feel like you are out of control of your life. It’s as if you went somwhere else and someone else has taken over your body.  We all have those days. With practice and persistance, we can turn those days around sooner, and realize that that feeling will pass and life will go on as usual.   As human beings, we all have difficulty being tolerant of things and people that get “in the way” of our routines. Learning to re-adjust our course and get back on track is a challenge that we all must meet at one time or another, but believing in ourselves and knowing that we are capable of picking ourselves up and starting over is an amazing accomplishment!  There is still hope for a brand new day, and we will adjust, we will move on, WE WILL SURVIVE! ((Hugs)) to you all, and have a wonderful weekend!  Take some YOU time! You deserve it!

Peace & Love, ~Peacemaker

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